Sanskrit Name: Balasana
January 23, 2020 | DeAnna Houston
How to do:
Starting from table pose (hands and knees).
Opening knees wide and sit back on your feet. Big toes connect.
Extend your arms and stretch from your finger tips to tailbone to lengthen your spine.
Sink into the floor and allow your head to rest on the floor (or a block or blanket).
Calms and steadies the mind
Stretches the hips, thighs, ankles and back
May release stress and fatigue
1. Child's pose may be done with your knees separated or together. If looking for a lower back stretch keeps the knees together. Separate the knees when looking to stretch the hips.
2. If you cannot sit back on your heels, place a folded between your thighs and calves.
3. Knees wide with forearms on blocks.
Modified child's pose (The night before my twins were born !)